McD Malaysia... Please return back my 5% Government Tax!

Location: McDonalds Taman Buaya, Ayer Keroh

This is not the first time I write about this outlet...
And this is not the first time, the outlet looked like this....

Ewww... The place was left uncleaned.... From the time me & my sister arrived, ordered and finished our meal, the outlet remained to looked like this... so dirty... Most of the customers came in looking puzzled with the filthy scenario, and most of us cleaned up our own table... Maybe McDonalds Malaysia should pay us salary... The store manager was in handling the counter.... I couldn't imagined how the manager could keep his eyes closed to things like this.....

I want to lodge a complain!!

Rate: Bad, bad, bad, bad!


Location: Restoran Intai-Intai, Ampang

Heard about this place everywhere. So, decided to give it a try.
Went there for late dinner (ahhaha at 11.39pm to be exact..)
I am quite fussy when it comes to food and i won't be going to a place without being referred to..

Intai-Intai was quite hard to find (if you are not local or if you are not familiar with the hidden routes around that area...). At first glance, from outside it looked quite gloomy.. To find a parking space was quite confusing (outside or inside??) hahaha... A step in Intai-Intai, the place was decorated with decor from SSF.. hmmm.. just average for me... it was quite dark (what to expect, Intai-Intai means Peek-a-Boo.. hahaha!)

Intai-Intai was owned by En. Bahar (that guy who took care of the kids in AF) and En. Bad (if i am not mistaken, he worked for KRU before..)

The place was neat and clean, divided into 2 sections with a man-made lake at the center and a stage at far end.

A short chat with En. Bahar, Intai-Intai also provides catering/in-house parties and in-house events like wedding and etc. At one time the place can fit in a maximum of 400pax.

The menu was mainly Thai-ish... Price... Hmmm.. quite pricey, but maybe it suits the portion given to customers..

Mr Rude ordered Nasi Goreng Intai-Intai Special. Price: RM10.90. Portion for one..

I ordered Tom Yam Suvarnabhumi. Price: RM12.00.. Portion for two..

Overall taste... hmmm... just ok... the fried rice taste nice. The tomyam looked nice, but the spices tasted too strong...

I also had Orenrot (haha! its actually a shortname for Orange Carrot Juice...)
hmmmm... they've to make it thicker because all i taste was like 90%water and 10% juice..

hmmm... that's all i can comment about this place.. will come again next time... only if there's no other options left... huhuhu... bad bad MyzzTickle!!

Rate: 5/10
Comment: ....hmmmm... speechless....

Pizza What??

I don't know what had happened to our F&B industry today... Look at my bowl of soup...

Not properly served... the excess soup was dripping from the mouth of the bowl...

.... And look at the soup...

Not creamy at all... can trace any sign of cream or milk....

what happened to Pizza Hut??

Venue: Pizza Hut, AEON Seremban 2

Dear Mr Kenny Rogers....

This happened quite recent when I was out for dinner with a good friend of mine Miss A.
We were actually out of idea of places to eat since the place we were at had limited choices.
Ended up we chose Kenny Roger Roasters ~~~ for health reason? hmmm... maybe, maybe not..

Like all typical 1 Malaysians, we ordered 2 quarter set meals and 2 ice lemon teas.
Kind of tired with the lame choice, we decided to add another menu to our table --- jacket potato set (we have never tried this, so we prayed hard it would be yummy as we're fans of potato-based food --- fries, mashed, name it whateva hahaha!)

In about a few minutes, the manager of the restaurant approached us and said this......
"Errmmm... Jacket Potato set tak adalah.. Lagipun saya rasa 2 quarter meal set pun dah cukup untuk u berdua.... (translate: Our Jacket Potato set is out of order... Anyhow, i think 2 quarter meals should be enough for both of you...) *we both can see it clearly on his face although he did not say it outloud 'you looked like a potato sack already, and you want to eat more??? crazy fat people....'
Damn....... Hate it when this kinda things happened before I can even enjoy my food...

How the story ended? Me and Miss A finished the meals with an empty heart.... and I really had a low impression of Kenny Rogers chains since then...

Venue : Kenny Rogers Roasters, AEON Taman Equine, Serdang
Mode : Though the food was supposed to be internationally recognised, the service is so local...... sigh... where have all the good samaritans gone to?


Crap... Imagine having 3 french fries, 3 paper bags,countless chilli sauce packets, 3 packets of cheese shaker packets, a bigmac, a tripple cheeseburger, a double cheeseburger and a box of fried chicken all dumped in a single plastic bag?


Had a hard time re-checking my orders..

Venue : McD Taman Buaya, Melaka

Cozy Place, Wangsa Maju ~~~ i fell in love!

Enuff said. I was interested to try out this place when i saw some pictures in my friend's FB. (Thanks darl!)

Cozy Place, Wangsa Maju ~~ located near the new kid on the block's Wangsa Walk, Carrefour Wangsa Maju, and was at the back row of San Francisco Pizza. From the parking area, the restaurant looks welcoming enough, u can never imagined out of all the crazy scenario around that area, a gorgeous looking cafe (english style) with a small garden, white painted windows, is calling you to go inside. Stepping into the cafe, you will encounter a serene feeling, mesmerized by the good ambiance, which best described the place ~~~ COZY! :)
I won't go far with the food ~~ simply marvellous! The menu outlay variety of finger-food, entrĂ©e, main course, and also desert ranging from local delicacy to all-time western favorites. And the waiters are very helpful and polite too. I totally fell in love with this place! Again, enough said, let the pictures do the story-telling! ;)

Rating: 4.5/5
Service: 4.5/5
Comment: A 'must-go'!

When something that's supposed to be good, turns me off!

It was Saturday, and i was on my lunch hunting with Rude in Bangi. Tiba2 Rude got so excited when he saw a Nasi Ayam Gemas shop nearby McD Bangi yg ala-ala glamor tue...hah! "Nasi Ayam Gemas! Rindunye kat Johor! Nasi ayam dia is the best in Johor tau! Jom!". MyzzTickle dah memang lapar la kan (though i was supposed to be on a diet), pun jom je la dengan happynye. I should try this.. The best chicken rice in Johor ~~~ perghhh!

Me: Nasi ayam melayu style ke, nasi ayam chinese style?
Rude: Nasi ayam xde mana2 style der... Masyukk!
Me: This better be good... (dalam hati, hopefully as good as it sounds since i preferred a chinese-style chicken rice) huhuhu.... risky, risky... huhu..

So we went in.... At the first glance ~~~ hancusss... the tables were uncleaned.. chairs were not properly placed, the floor was messy with used tissues ~~ blurrghhh! And terbaek la, restaurant workers semua tgh chit chatting... Tetttt! Potong 1 markah!

Can't decide where to sit cuz the place was super messy, i waived at the workers, still chatting inside the counter... "Dik, tolong clear meja." And as usual, workers ni was staring at each other as if kau la, nape aku lak situation, u knw.... tetttttt! servis lambat... pantang, pantang... potong lagi satu markah.. My appetite died there.. but since Rude nak sgt mkn nasi ayam gemas johor yg glamer kat bangi ni, it's ok... i give in :).

Bla bla bla, lotsa uncomfortable experience minutes after that, menu pun diletak atas meja...

Rude: Ni sama yg mcm kat Gemas tu kan?
Staff L: Aaaaa... dia ada dua bang..
Me: (aduih.... ni yg tak larat dgr nie...)
Staff L: Dia lain2 tapi sedap dia sama bang.

Tettttt!!! Tolak lagi satu markah ~~~~ no originality...

So this was what we ordered:-
2 nasi ayam hitam (Staff L kata sedap gila sampai bisa menjilat jari lah)
1 tauhu (tofu with soy sauce)
1 sirap bandung
1 nescafe exxxxxtttrrraaaa manis (tsk tsk tsk...)

My verdict? Not impress at all...
The chicken rice taste the same as what i can get anywhere else ---- Malay style..
The roasted chicken ~~~ errrrr... boleylaaa...
The soup ~~ i reckon it was a ground nut soup but hell i don't know.. haha.
The gravy (soy sauce + chilly sauce) heh..... takde perasaan..
The sirap bandung ~~ i was expecting the original sirap+susu cair+ aiskrim soda, but no... just a typical bandung...tetttt! tetttt! tetttt!!

I was unhappy... this was supposed to be something good... but somehow, it didn't tickle my tastebud at all...

So, should u guys be around Bangi someday and somehow step ur foot at Nasi Ayam Gemas, good luck, and i pray u have a better meal than me.

Rating - 2/5
Service - 1/5
Taste - 2.5/5

Food & The City

Somehow the opening song of Sex & The City is playing inside my mind.. haha... I crave to be just like Carrie Bradshaw.. A carefree soul who can write about anything she wants. Only that, i am not here to talk about sex, owkeyh! haha.. I am the Carrie Bradshaw of food! Yeah i am!

So this will just be about me, my daily life and my thots on food. Was it good? Was it bad? Am I satisfied with it? Do I crave for more? ;D

Hello world! My name is MyzzTickle! *wink*