When something that's supposed to be good, turns me off!

It was Saturday, and i was on my lunch hunting with Rude in Bangi. Tiba2 Rude got so excited when he saw a Nasi Ayam Gemas shop nearby McD Bangi yg ala-ala glamor tue...hah! "Nasi Ayam Gemas! Rindunye kat Johor! Nasi ayam dia is the best in Johor tau! Jom!". MyzzTickle dah memang lapar la kan (though i was supposed to be on a diet), pun jom je la dengan happynye. I should try this.. The best chicken rice in Johor ~~~ perghhh!

Me: Nasi ayam melayu style ke, nasi ayam chinese style?
Rude: Nasi ayam xde mana2 style der... Masyukk!
Me: This better be good... (dalam hati, hopefully as good as it sounds since i preferred a chinese-style chicken rice) huhuhu.... risky, risky... huhu..

So we went in.... At the first glance ~~~ hancusss... the tables were uncleaned.. chairs were not properly placed, the floor was messy with used tissues ~~ blurrghhh! And terbaek la, restaurant workers semua tgh chit chatting... Tetttt! Potong 1 markah!

Can't decide where to sit cuz the place was super messy, i waived at the workers, still chatting inside the counter... "Dik, tolong clear meja." And as usual, workers ni was staring at each other as if kau la, nape aku lak situation, u knw.... tetttttt! servis lambat... pantang, pantang... potong lagi satu markah.. My appetite died there.. but since Rude nak sgt mkn nasi ayam gemas johor yg glamer kat bangi ni, it's ok... i give in :).

Bla bla bla, lotsa uncomfortable experience minutes after that, menu pun diletak atas meja...

Rude: Ni sama yg mcm kat Gemas tu kan?
Staff L: Aaaaa... dia ada dua bang..
Me: (aduih.... ni yg tak larat dgr nie...)
Staff L: Dia lain2 tapi sedap dia sama bang.

Tettttt!!! Tolak lagi satu markah ~~~~ no originality...

So this was what we ordered:-
2 nasi ayam hitam (Staff L kata sedap gila sampai bisa menjilat jari lah)
1 tauhu (tofu with soy sauce)
1 sirap bandung
1 nescafe exxxxxtttrrraaaa manis (tsk tsk tsk...)

My verdict? Not impress at all...
The chicken rice taste the same as what i can get anywhere else ---- Malay style..
The roasted chicken ~~~ errrrr... boleylaaa...
The soup ~~ i reckon it was a ground nut soup but hell i don't know.. haha.
The gravy (soy sauce + chilly sauce) heh..... takde perasaan..
The sirap bandung ~~ i was expecting the original sirap+susu cair+ aiskrim soda, but no... just a typical bandung...tetttt! tetttt! tetttt!!

I was unhappy... this was supposed to be something good... but somehow, it didn't tickle my tastebud at all...

So, should u guys be around Bangi someday and somehow step ur foot at Nasi Ayam Gemas, good luck, and i pray u have a better meal than me.

Rating - 2/5
Service - 1/5
Taste - 2.5/5


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